It goes without saying that massage therapists are in high demand. If you’re considering enrolling in massage therapy school, it may interest you that massage therapists are needed even in the White House.
Read on to find out more . . .
The White House Athletic Center, like any gym, is a place where people exercise, de-stress and socialize—and, also like most gyms, the White House Athletic Center makes massage therapy sessions available to its members.
The way in which this gym is not like most gyms is the clientele who frequent it: The White House Athletic Center is dedicated to supporting the health and physical fitness of federal employees, including those working in the Executive Office of the President of the United States.
Massage therapist Antoine Chevalier, L.M.T., M.P.P., H.K., N.D. cand., has provided massage at the White House Athletic Center since 2001. He spoke with MASSAGE Magazine about the people he works on; the power of incorporating advanced techniques into his sessions; and about being a native Frenchman who massages the most dedicated public servants in the U.S.